Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 20th-26th Update on Donald Hughes!

April 20th: Donnie's left leg is swelling without explanation, and his leg feels hard. This has limited his mobility quite a bit. They feel sure it is not a blood clot, and that has relieved Donnie's mind. His leg is swollen to twice normal size as of today, the 26th, and no answers have been found. X-Rays and an ultrasound have been performed to try and determine the cause. Please pray for wisdom for his medical team, and relief for his leg. Donnie is also getting sick almost every day, and the doctors are unsure of the cause. Kimmy worries about bringing him home with so many unanswered questions. ** Please consider giving by credit card, debit card, or paypal right here on this site! Any amount is helpful!

Thank you so much,

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